To save trees getting cut down to make classroom space

(we NEED double storey classrooms instead!)

Our school is not being listened to or supported by the Victorian Dept of Education (DET) and Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) on school accommodation needs for the future.

With steady student growth in the past 5 years that is predicted to continue, Newport Lakes PS MUST secure double storey modular classrooms for future growth. Over the period 2019-2023 NLPS School Council have asked the DET and VSBA to provide double storey classrooms to replace existing single storey classrooms. 

These requests have been continuously denied and we continue to be allocated single storey classrooms that are taking away already limited and vital student play space.

Unless we act now by signing this petition and leaving comments we will be allocated another single storey classroom which will result in cutting down 4 more substantial trees & taking away even more of our student’s play space

We need as many people as possible to sign this petition! People power is needed for our school’s voice to be heard and we are targeting 1000+ signatures to show the DET and VSBA that we are a strong school community who deeply care about the future of our school.

Who can sign? EVERYONE with an email. NLPS parents and carers, NLPS extended families and local community members 

If you have any queries, concerns or other good ideas for taking action on this matter please email Newport Lakes Primary School Council:

Save our Trees

Dear SpeakOut! user

Our school is not being listened to or supported by the Victorian Dept of Education (DET) and Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) on school accommodation needs for the future.

With steady student growth in the past 5 years that is predicted to continue, Newport Lakes PS MUST secure double storey modular classrooms for future growth. Over the period 2019-2023 NLPS School Council have asked the DET and VSBA to provide double storey classrooms to replace existing single storey classrooms.

These requests have been continuously denied and we continue to be allocated single storey classrooms that are taking away already limited and vital student play space.

Unless we act now by signing this petition and leaving comments we will be allocated another single storey classroom which will result in cutting down 4 more substantial trees & taking away even more of our student’s play space.

We need as many people as possible to sign this petition! People power is needed for our school’s voice to be heard and we are targeting 1000+ signatures to show the DET and VSBA that we are a strong school community who deeply care about the future of our school.

Who can sign? EVERYONE with an email. NLPS parents and carers, NLPS extended families and local community members

If you have any queries, concerns or other good ideas for taking action on this matter please email Newport Lakes Primary School Council:

%%your signature%%

3 signatures

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Every signature matters! Thanks for signing & please spread the word (share this page link)!

Latest Signatures
Ms. uwu g.
Nov 19, 2023
Mrs. Lauren S.
Nov 12, 2023
Ms. Sam P.
Nov 11, 2023