Parent Involvement

You are welcome to come in!

At Newport Lakes PS, we welcome parents into our classrooms and appreciate an extra hand on excursions. Some younger classes have regular, scheduled times for parents to come in and assist with reading sessions and other classes may ask for support at particular times of need. Large school run events like our athletics carnival and our many social events also rely on parent help to be as successful as they are! Please talk with your child’s teacher about how you can help out.

Requirements for those wanting to get involved

If you would like to help out at the school, please note that you will need to have a current Working with Children Check (volunteer or otherwise) and agree to our Child Safe Policies.

For those helping out in classrooms with reading, attending a school based induction session is also a requirement.

All volunteers must also read the Volunteer Induction Handbook and return the signed Volunteer OH&S Induction Checklist. Hard copies are also available at the Office.

CLICK HERE to apply for your FREE ‘Volunteer’ Working With Children Check